Chutes and Ladders

CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit


Snatch (13 minutes to complete the following)

2 Singles @ 80%

3 Singles @ 85%

Snatch Pull (7 minutes to complete the following)

2 sets of 3 reps @ 100% of 1RM Snatch

2 sets of 2 reps @ 105% of 1RM Snatch


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Chutes and Ladders

15 Minute AMRAP

Buy In: Cal Row or Bike 75/50


3 Wall Balls, 3 Burpees

6 Wall Balls, 6 Burpees

9 Wall Balls, 9 Burpees

Up by 3’s until time cap
– The row happens once, then the scored portion will be the total reps on the ball and burpees.

*Stagger 4-5 minutes if short on rowers/bike.

Burpees (Hips High)

As we pop out of the burpee, we can aim to get the hips higher than the knees. This is also known as “not squatting the burpee”. With the burpees paired with wallballs, this becomes even more important.

Think of the burpee as more of a hip movement than a leg movement. Be aggressive with snapping the hips off the ground.

Wall Balls (Hips Low, Ball High)

Our hip position will be a little different on the wall ball than the burpee. Here, we are looking for the hips to always stay lower than the ball. If we drop our chest forward, the ball also drops and makes it a more difficult throw from a worse position. Throughout the whole movement, think “hips low, ball high”.

Mark Your Territory

The set-up distance away from the wall or target is important in the quality of the throw. If we are too close, we have to stay very upright and are likely to be forward on the toes.

If we are too far away, it’s a far throw and the ball is likely to pull us forward on the way down. A good place to start is an arm distance away, but will be athlete specific.

Categories: WOD

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