Billa Memorial WOD

CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit

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Billa (Time)

In honor of Justin Billa, 27, of the Mobile Police Department who was shot and fatally injured during an investigation on 2/20/2018. He leaves behind a son and wife.

2 Person Teams:

For Time

25 Alternating Rounds of:

9 Wall Balls 20/14

6 Jurpees

3 Power Cleans

RX+ 205/135

RX 155/105

Scaled 135/95 or below

On the 6th round, athletes will run 1 mile in honor of Justin winning “Officer of the Month” after 6 months of joining the MPD.

25 Rounds in honor of his 25 months of service before losing his life.

Categories: WOD

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