Tough Enough

CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit


Metcon (Weight)

15 Minute Team Front Squat 5RM

Each partner establishes 5RM Front Squat from floor

Score is total combined weight

rest 3 minutes until 18 minute mark

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Every 6 minutes for 30 minutes

45 Double Unders

35 Wall Balls 20/14

25 American KB Swings 53/35

15 Clean and Jerks

Reps may be broken up in any manner. If team doesn’t finish reps in the 6 minute time frame, they do not continue.

Clean and Jerks increase in weight each round:

18-24: 115/75

24-30: 135/90

30-36: 155/105

36-42: 175/120

42-48: 195/135

48-54: 215/150

54-60: 235/165

Categories: WOD

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