Sugar Daddy

CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit



Push Jerk (20 minutes to work to a heavy single)

Metcon (Time)

Sugar Daddy

15 Minute Time Cap


Deadlifts 225/155

400m Run

RX+ (load increase each round)



*Looking for a 10 minute workout.

If unable to run, complete 500m Row or 28/20 cal Assault Bike.

Although the deadlifts do attract our eye at first, this workout is largely on the run. Visualizing our 1.5-2 mile pace is a good place to start in this workout.

Aggressive, but one we can hold for 3 rounds.

Think about the transition. It’s easy to allow 5 seconds to slide away in a slower transition as we reenter the gym from the run, and those seconds compound quick.

Run straight to the bar, and just start. Tee yourself you can recover on the first 50 meters of the next run…just get through those deadlifts.

Categories: WOD

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