Power Move

CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit


Back Squat (25 minutes to complete 8 sets of 3 @ 80%)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Power Move

10 Minute AMRAP

6 Power Snatches 95/65

9 Overhead Squats 95/65

12 Box Jumps 24/20
– Looking to complete around 4+ rounds in “Power Move”, which works out to a round at least every 2:30

– This should be a lighter weight that you can complete all 9 reps unbroken on every round


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

5 Rounds

1) Overhead Squat (3 reps)

-recommended load: 95/65lbs

-can use snatch or jerk grip

-max 8 seconds to get through the 3 reps

-scaling option: load

2) Overhead Squat Pause in Bottom Position (5 seconds)

-after standing up with the 3rd rep, squat back down and pause

3) Overhead Squat (3 reps)

-standing up from the 5 second pause will be rep 1 of 3

-max 8 seconds to get through the 3 reps

4) Overhead Squat w/PVC (Up to the minute)

-try to use slightly more narrow grip than you used for the weighted overhead squats

-Active Recovery – Slow, Continuous Movement (No Stopping)

*No rest between reps or rounds

*Total Time: 5 minutes

Categories: WOD

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