Forces of Nature

CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit

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Back Squat Warmup (No Measure)

Dragon Pose (1 Min Each Leg)

2 Rounds:

10 Good Mornings (Empty Bar)

10 Air Squats

5 Tuck Jumps


Back Squat (10 sets of 2 reps, same weight across)

20 minutes to complete


Metcon (Time)

Forces of Nature

12 Minute Time Cap

30 Cal Row

30 Deadlift 185/125

30 Lateral Burpees


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Forces of Nature 2

Rest 5 minutes after completing first metcon.

Perform 80 unbroken wall balls. If you break then rest 5 minutes and try again. Record most consecutive reps completed.

Categories: WOD