Barbells for Boobs!

CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit


Metcon (Time)

Twice the “Amazing”, Twice The “Grace”

Partner WOD

40 Minute Time Cap

Buy In: 30 Power Clean and Jerks 135/95

3 Rounds

800m Run

42 American KB Swings 53/35

24 Pull-ups

Cash Out: 30 Power Clean and Jerks 135/95

RX+ Chest to Bar Pull-ups and C&J at 155/105

Metcon (Time)

Twice the “Amazing”, Twice The “Grace”

Partner WOD

40 Minute Time Cap

Buy In: 30 Power Clean and Jerks 115/75

3 Rounds

800m Run

42 American KB Swings 53/35

24 Jumping Pull-ups

Cash Out: 30 Power Clean and Jerks 115/75

Categories: WOD

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