
Don’t forget to begin filling out those Bingo cards. We’re giving out prizes galore. Be a apart of the fun and increase your fitness at the same time!

Upcoming Events:
Saturday, April 22th – WOD’N for Will
April 24-29: Bring A Friend Week
First Week of May: 28 Day Transformation Challenge

CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit


Back Squat Warmup (No Measure)

Dragon Pose (1 Min Each Leg)

2 Rounds:

10 Good Mornings (Empty Bar)

10 Air Squats

5 Tuck Jumps


Back Squat (4 sets of 3 reps)

increase load by 5 lbs from last week. if too heavy, decrease load to 90% of last week’s weight.


Metcon (Time)

25 Minute Time Cap

4 Rounds for time of:

Row, 500m

15 Toes to Bar

15 Ball Slams 20/15

15 Ring Dips

Categories: WOD

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