Smooth Criminal

CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit


Hang Snatch (5 sets of 2 reps @ 60% of 1RM Snatch)

– 10 minutes to complete

– weight is light so move fast

– we will be maxing out our snatch next week so stick to the percentages

– Hang today starts from below knee – same weight across

– catch in squat if able

Power Clean (5 sets of 3 reps @ 65%)

– 10 minutes to complete

– we are maxing out clean and jerk next week so stick to percentages.

– stay focused and move fast

– weight is light today so stick to touch and go

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Smooth Criminal

15 Minute AMRAP

60 Double Unders

30 Wall Balls 20/14

15 Deadlifts 245/165
– Looking to complete at least 3+ rounds today

– Works out to one round every 4-5 minutes

– Goal today is to chip away at these bigger rep schemes, finding a breakup strategy that keeps you moving for 15 minutes

– 1-3 sets on the rope

Choose a break-up strategy you feel comfortable repeating at least 3 times

– Aiming to complete these in 3-5 sets today

Wallballs: 10-10-10, 8-7-6-5-4, or 6-6-6-6-6

Deadlifts: 6-5-4 or 5-5-5, or 3-3-3-3-3


Categories: WOD

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