Booty Fall

CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit


Warmup 2 (No Measure)

3 Rounds

10 PVC Pass Throughs

10 OH Squats (Bar)

10 Hang Snatches (Bar)

5 Burpees


Shoulder Press (15 minutes to perform the following)

Beginning at 75% of 1RM:

2 sets of 2 reps, same weight across then increase

2 sets of 1 rep, same weight across then increase to

a heavy single

Hang Power Snatch (15 minutes to perform the following)

Beginning at 75% of 1RM

2 sets of 2 reps, same weight across then increase

2 sets of 2 reps, same weight across then increase

3 sets of 1 rep – same weight across


Metcon (Time)

Booty Fall

12 Minute Time Cap


American KB Swings 53/35

HR Push-ups

Front Squats 135/95

Categories: WOD

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