Benchmark Tuesday!

CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit


Pull-Up Progressions (No Measure)

Beginner: Toe-Assisted Pull-ups (off box) with Negative (complete 5 sets of 5 reps)

Intermediate: Chin-Ups 5 Sets of 5 Reps

Advanced (Must Have 5 Strict Pull-ups within 60 sec): Perform 5 sets of Max-Effort Strict Pull-ups resting 3 minutes between each set.
If you already have at least 1 strict pull-up then perform 50 Strict Pull-ups for time instead.

50 Strict Pull-ups (Time)

Complete 50 Strict Pull-Ups for time. 15 Minute Time Cap.

If you complete in under 5 minutes add 10 lbs of weight the next time or if scaling with bands reduce the band resistance next time.

You may also scale with ring rows.


Go-Go Grunt (Time)

25 Minute Time Cap


Box Jumps 24/20


Push Press 115/75

*Perform 50 Box Jumps, then 25 Push Press, 40 Box Jumps, then 20 Push Press, etc.
WOD last performed July 24, 2018.

Categories: WOD

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