CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit


Warmup 1 (No Measure)

10 PVC Pass Thru

10 Air Squats

5 Push Press (Bar Only)

5 Supermans


Pull-Up Progressions (No Measure)

Beginner: Negatives 5 sets of 5 Reps (work up to 5-second hold)

then 5 sets of 5 banded pull-ups – (banded pull-ups must be strict – think slowed and controlled-least band resistance as possible)

Intermediate: Chin-Ups 5 Sets of 5 Reps then perform 5 sets of 5 negatives with a 5-second hold.

Advanced (Must Have 5 Strict Pull-ups): Perform 5 sets of Max-Effort Strict Pull-ups resting 3 minutes between each set.

Weighted Pull-ups (Complete 4 sets of 6 reps. – 15 minutes)

Find 6 rep max and maintain weight for 4 sets across.


9/11 Tribute WOD (Time)

1001 Meter Row

11 Box Jumps 30/24

11 Thrusters 125/85

11 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull-ups

11 Power Cleans 170/120

11 HSPUs

11 KB Swings 53/35

11 Toes to Bar

11 Deadlifts 170/120

11 Push Jerks 110/75

1000 Meter Run
The WOD, originally attributed to CrossFit Bel Air (via the CrossFit forum in 2013) then modified to include Push Jerks, is symbolic of the US terrorist tacks of September 11, 2001. The 1001 meter row and 1000 meter run represent the year of the attacks. The 11 Reps of 9 exercises represents the date. Even the weights have meaning. The 125lb Thrusters represents the number of deaths that occurred at the Pentagon. The 175lb Power Clean symbolizes AA Flight 175 that hit the South Tower. The 170lb Dead Lift is symbolic of flight 77 and Flight 93 combined. The 110lb Push Jerks represent the number of floors in each tower of the World Trade Center buildings that were attacked. (The 2001 meter row at beginning of workout has been excluded and KB Swings have been scaled.)

Categories: WOD

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