CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit


CF Jacked – Deadlift Warmup (No Measure)

3 Rounds (NFT)

10 Good Mornings (Bar Only

10 Air Squats

Toe Touch w/ Barbell (20 sec hold)


Deadlift (5-3-1)

17 Minutes to Complete. Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between each set. This is not a max-effort attempt. Go heavy only if able to maintain good form. Record loads in comments.


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds For Time

20 Minute Time Cap

20 Deadlifts 225/155

20 Burpees

20 Pullups
Add 1 second to your time for each rep not completed under 20 minutes.

Categories: WOD

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