CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit


CF Jacked Warmup 3 (No Measure)

500m Row

10 Air Squats

30 Sec Dead Hang From Pullup Bar

10 Good Mornings

10 Hang Power Cleans

5 Burpees


2 Front Squats + Thruster (Perform your heaviest complex.)

Perform 2 front squats and then 1 full thruster.

Think of it as 3 front squats into a push press.
Yes, you can use the rack 🙂


Metcon (Time)

20 Minute Time Cap

6 Rounds

6 Power Cleans 185/125

20 Wall Balls 20/14

Extra Work

Toes-To-Bar (Perform a Max-Effort Set)

Scaled is:

– knees to elbows

– hanging knee raises

Categories: WOD

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