
I have been receiving requests to help athletes with additional work. We’re going to experiment with this.

There is now an additional section titled “Extra Work” that can be done after class should you like to take part in it. This isn’t required but should help you with strength and stamina.

CrossFit Jacked – CrossFit


CF Jacked-Clean Warmup (No Measure)

Wrist Mobility then:

2 Rounds

5 Hang Power Cleans (Start at Hip)

5 Hang Power Cleans (Start at Mid-Thigh)

5 Power Cleans (Start at Bottom)

5 Hang Cleans (Start at Hip)

5 Hang Cleans (Start at Mid-Thigh)

5 Cleans (Start at Bottom)


Power Clean (Find Your 1RM)


The Chief (AMRAP – Rounds)

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:

3 Power Cleans, 135#

6 Push-ups

9 Squats

Rest 1-minute.

Repeat for a total of 5 cycles

Extra Work

Close-Grip Chin-up (4 sets of 3 reps-record weight used in comments)

Pick a starting weight, but know that every week you will need to increase the weight for 6 weeks.

The weight will stay the same for all 4 sets of 3.

If you do not have strict chin-ups, then you will perform with a band.

Ring Row/Ring Plank Hold Complex (No Measure)

Ring Rows. Make this movement as difficult as possible. Ideally, with your chest completely under the rings.

With Ring Plank Hold, make sure rings stay parallel or turned out. If plank hold on rings is too difficult, walk the rings forward unitl you are able to hold in a good position.

Perform 12 ring rows followed by a 30 second ring plank hold. 3 sets with 2 minute rest between sets.


Categories: WOD

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